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Sensors are the most basic, commonly used components in automation. Autonics provides a wide variety of sensors including proximity sensors, photoelectric sensors, fiber optic sensors, and pressure sensors, for maximum user effciency.

Pressure Sensors

Pressure sensors are widely used in air pressure mechanics for precise controlling of the equipment. Autonics high accuracy digital pressure sensors are available in 2 product types with 24 different options. Their compact size and optimized features offer the most precise control of air pressure systems and are applied in a variety of applications for different environments in the industry.

  • PSA Series

    Small size, High accuracy pressure control digital pressure sensor
  • PSAN Series

    Digital Display Pressure Sensors
  • PSB Series

    Small size, High accuracy pressure control digital pressure sensor
  • PSM Series

    Multi-Channel Pressure Sensor Indicators
  • PSQ Series

    Dual Display Digital Pressure Sensors
  • PSS Series

    Compact Analog Pressure Sensors